Quick facts about Flight Centre: 

Challenge: How to improve development and performance conversations at Flight Centre UK

Flight Centre has always been interested in ensuring their people are listened to and their development needs are taken care of. However, the company’s performance conversations and processes hadn’t kept up with that ambition and things had become a bit stale and ineffective.

“One of the big issues we had was that conversations weren’t being had between managers and their teams. Or if they were they weren’t happening at the right times and issues were being left to fester and grow.”

HR Executive, Flight Centre UK

The added challenge of COVID-19 highlighted how a new approach to not only development but performance conversations in general and communication was needed.

Solution: The right employee performance solution

The Flight Centre team set out looking for a solution that not only helped them better understand the rapidly changing employee experience during lockdown, but something that would also improve how the company shared feedback.

We really wanted to understand the wants, needs and thoughts of our people both short-term and longer. We looked at a number of performance solutions. Many were seen as market leaders and the same few names kept cropping up. But nothing seemed to be quite right. Then we had a demo of the Engage365 and Perform365 platforms.

The Engage365 platform’s heavy focus on the employee check-in, the importance of feedback, and how to leverage that feedback to improve a range of people processes excited Flight Centre. The additional benefit of being able to curate and schedule 1:1s off the back of a check-in was a real bonus for the company.

Perform365 is helping us have really powerful, quality performance and development conversations that are more open and more honest.

HR Executive, Flight Centre UK

Results: More informed and purposeful performance conversations

The big win for Flight Centre is that they better understand what their people need and how they can help them. Feedback is being shared on a high-frequency basis between managers and employees in a way it wasn’t before.

As a result, we are having better quality conversations more often. We have more focused 1:1s that really help our people get the support and opportunities they need to grow. Now, they’re more engaged, happier, and best equipped to continue to deliver great service to our customers.

HR Executive, Flight Centre UK


Flight Centre UK is the flagship brand of Flight Centre Travel Group (FCTG), an Australian-born international travel company. It’s recognized as one of the top five largest travel agencies in the world today with more than 2,000 leisure, corporate and wholesale businesses in 11 countries. We’re here to open up the world for those who want to see. Every day, we give people all around the world the opportunity to experience something really amazing—travel!